Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Doniac Schvice

If you were a fan of the band Phish back in the day you most likely received their newsletter, "Doniac Schvice",  in the mail. It consisted of ordering concert tickets (for $25 per ticket!) and random articles written by the band members as well as other strange tidbits from a strange band. They have a section where fans can write in questions and the band would answer them, some seriously, others sarcastically. I remember one in particular where a fan asked what the definition of Doniac Schvice. Jon Fishman replied that it is the feeling when someone is chasing you and you have reached your locked door, you are panicked and cannot seem to get the correct key in the door. I never found out of that was a silly answer or he was being truthfully. Regardless, that answer always stuck with me after all these years. Below is a link to a PDF file of every newsletter from 1996 through 2000. Its an interesting read and even more entertaining walk down memory lane for anyone who liked this band way too much back in the day. 

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